Trap exercises
Why didn’t I include trapezius to the shoulder workout? Because in bodybuilding shoulders mean delts, and they have nothing to do with the trapezius fyi. Trapezius is more part of the back, since it’s not only the area that you see in frontal view on your neck’s side, but it also makes your back thicker. This is a very easy muscle to train, just pay attention to the instructions.
The function of this muscle is to raise your shoulders, but also to draw them backwards. So don’t pigeon with your neck, it looks ridiculous, and either means that the weight is too heavy or that your mother shits on cars.
- wear straps
- extremely watch your posture: keep your spine neutral, core braced
- don’t pigeon with your neck
- don’t be afraid of big weights
- 3 sets are enough
- rep range: 8-4, or even 6-4 if your execution is good enough
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It has begun!
Hey all, it took me almost a year, but my blog-website combo is finally ready to go public. It's still not completely ready though, but I hope that by publishing I'll motivate myself more.