Chest exercises
The most popular bodybuilding exercise is bench press. But whyyyy? Maybe because men like breasts so much that they want big ones even for themselves? Nobody knows, but what you can tell for sure is that you can pretty much deduct everything about one’s fitness knowledge by looking at their chest.
The basic principle is to target your chest muscles from multiple angles and also to target them in various movement ranges. Therefore, there will be 3 exercise groups, and you should apply one exercise from each in a chest workout.
- you can wear belt at bigger weights
- you can wear wrist wraps at bigger weights
- watch your posture: scapulas always pressed to the bench, never extend your arms fully, never overstretch your chest or shoulder
- fixate your position with a slight arch and tense legs
- don’t be afraid of big weights
- one exercise from each exercise group, 3 sets: (3×3=9 sets altogether)
- rep range: 8-4, or even 6-4 if your execution is good enough
Incline angle
This is what distinguishes an expert from a layman. Everybody’s doing flat bench presses, and then they wonder that even a chicken has bigger breasts than they, so they start to accuse everyone who has bigger breasts than them of steroid usage. Including poor chicken! Have you heard people saying “nowadays they pump up the chickens with steroids, so they grow faster.” Well…
Flat angle
Most people only know this type, but it’s far less important than they think. Also, many people when train on a bench, raise their asses. For them: put your asses back on the bench!
Peak contraction
If you’ve ever trained chest, you know that none of the presses will help you to achieve peak contraction for your muscles. That is why it’s useful to include an exercise for that very last part of movement range. Since this is for peak contraction (like in its name), and the majority of exercises may allow you to overstretch your chest and shoulder muscles: DO NOT OVERSTRETCH them during flies, extend your chest only until it is safe, utilizing full range of motion, and focus on the peak contraction part anyway, since the extended part of ROM gets already hit at all the other exercises.
You are not a king, just a simple commoner. Using an exercise for peak contraction, while the only range it doesn’t work is actually at peak contraction doesn’t sound as a good idea. Arnold worked hard, be glad you live in an era when you have access to information and can be more efficient.
You realize you don’t have to arch as if an exorcist would try to get rid of your constipation, right? Just make sure your body, joints, tendons and muscles are in a safe position, and you can channel all the strength where it belongs.
They lose fat if they get shredded, thus they loose breasts too. It has nothing to do with chest workout.
I am reptilian, we cannot do bench presses, and I’m just jealous, that’s the truth.
It’s called sweatshirt, honey. Pullover is the most useless exercise ever. I know, I know, Arnold did it…but he trained 5 times as much as you, and ate 5 times as much as well. It’s not like pullover made all the difference. Did you think you start to do it, and then suddenly you turn into a Mr. Olympia, or what?
It has begun!
Hey all, it took me almost a year, but my blog-website combo is finally ready to go public. It's still not completely ready though, but I hope that by publishing I'll motivate myself more.
It has begun!
Hey all, it took me almost a year, but my blog-website combo is finally ready to go public. It's still not completely ready though, but I hope that by publishing I'll motivate myself more.