How to choose a diet plan?
Do calories really matter?
The first law of thermodynamics is irrefutable, however, if you are going to look at overall calorie intake disregarding the macro proportions, you are going to waste a lot of time and effort in vain. So from a practical perspective counting calories only won’t make too much sense, but counting macro proportions would be sufficient. However, if you are a pro, you can count both macros and calories, and then have a better control over your body.
Why the majority of diet plans suck and why are these any different?
Have you ever downloaded an app or found a website that calculates it for you, while all you have to do is answer some kind of quiz? Wonder why you still look like shit? I have bad news for you…
What is a PEENIX, you’d ask? It is PErsonal ENergy IndeX, and I just made it up, but it’s actually super valid. The point of this variable is to create diet plans that can be unified, convertible, yet more precise than any 100$ meal plan you get from a personal trainer, while completely based on the newest researches. It is so unified and convertible that you can finally compete with your friends who has a bigger PEENIX, and you can compare your PEENIX-es with each other at school, at work, at the gym, anywhere! Moreover, if you follow some of the more advanced training plans from here, you can grow your PEENIX even bigger!
The first law of thermodynamics is irrefutable, therefore your energy intake has to be bespoke. The easiest is to sort it by height, and then depending on your genetics, lifestyle and muscle mass you can choose one that is fine-tuned precisely for you. Your energy levels include the necessary amount of protein too, on lower calorie diets slightly increased to prevent muscle loss, on higher calorie diets also slightly increased to keep up with your enormous muscle mass. Everything well set!
The Protein Pandemonium
As I always say, your protein intake is kinda fixed regardless what your goals are. Meanwhile, if you find meal plans on the internet, usually starting from 1000 kcal to 4000 kcal, they are not bespoke for anyone, they follow random macro ratios not caring about what your actual needs are, thus setting you on the course of failure. Low-calorie diets will contain less protein than you’d need and high-calorie ones much-much more.
Here you will have plans based on your ideal PEENIX size, ensuring you don’t have excess protein intake or protein deficiency, because both of these wrong outcomes prevent you from achieving your goals and turn your hard work into resultless struggle. Not enough protein will be a limiting factor of your progress and overall health, while too much protein will just put a tax on your body and take away the space from calories from carbs and fats.
The Carbohydrate Confusion
Everybody loves carbs, carbs are life! They are everywhere. Nonetheless, the biggest bodybuilder mistake is to consume way too much carbs. To build more muscles you need calories, and since your protein is fixed, you need these calories from carbs…and fat! Yes, fat! No, if you eat fat it won’t make you fatter, otherwise following that logic everybody would think you eat stupidness and failure.
The Fat Fallacy
Bodybuilders fear fat like the devil fears holy water. They spray their pan with a tiny breath of oil, then shovel tons of rice into their mouth as if they shovelled coal into the Titanic’s furnaces. You realize it ended in disaster, right? Then they wonder why did they get so fat at the end of the bulking period, and why is their body fucked up altogether… I mean the smarter ones, the stupid ones will think that getting fat is inseparable from bulking and that there is an ancient law of bulking fatness, thus everyone is a cheater who doesn’t grow a wiggly fatbag on their belly every time they start to grow a little muscle.
The majority of diets simply doesn’t contain enough proportion of fat. I get it, we are not in keto, hence we need a certain amount of carbs to function well, some more if your taste requires, but everything above that is sheer self-harm. Don’t forget, 1000 kcal of fat will turn into less belly fat than 1000 kcal of carbs!
To be factually correct, until a certain calorie level it doesn’t matter if it’s from sugars or fats, you won’t get fat, the difference comes after you exceed this level. My diet plans contain more than enough carbs, it will be comfortable for you to fit any good meal into it.
Choose your ideal ratio
Wait, wait, wait! Do you already know what your goal is? Wanna lose fat? Wanna gain muscles? Wanna lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Yeah, the difference between these regimens in not in the exercise part at all, but but it is in the diet part!
Did you decide what you want? Finally! Now you can pick a diet plan from here.
I swear after some time I will have a macro- and calorie calculator here embedded in the website, so getting into shape won’t even require brain anymore. Comfort above everything!
Revise timing
As I mentioned before, keeping a 12-14-hour fasting period every day will benefit you more than many other lifestyle changes. As for the nutrient distribution, protein should be divided equally between your meals, however, the art of body shaping starts not only with playing with the carb-fat ratio, but also with their timing.
Try skipping carbs for breakfast
Try it and observe how your body reacts! Are you less hungry, are you more energetic? Or the opposite? Many people feel a general discomfort after carby breakfasts, while oats can make your tushy a little Chernobyl explosion establishment. Also, consider your lifestyle, how it affects your work, etc. Anyway, in general, carbless breakfast increases fat burning and muscle building processes as well. Why not to try it then?
Try skipping carbs for dinner
If you are on a stricter diet, or you start the day with a carby breakfast (maybe because you work out in the morning), then this is for you.
Try the recipes
Obviously, it’d be pretty pointless to provide infinite combination of meals here. But after going through a certain meal plan, understanding how the macros work, you can implement these recipes, adjust their macros accordingly, and people will be like: How the fuck are you so ripped while eating lasagna? Fucking steroids, those! And honestly, there is no bigger acknowledgement of something when others think it can be achieved only by massive cheating. You can find the recipes here.
Yeah, if your entire day is orbiting around your new fitness mania, then you think you’ll achieve better results, right? Well, no… 3-4 meals are completely enough.
It has begun!
Hey all, it took me almost a year, but my blog-website combo is finally ready to go public. It's still not completely ready though, but I hope that by publishing I'll motivate myself more.