Amino acids
Did you just read somewhere that amino acids are important? Whoa! I admit, this is actually very true. Where do you find them? In your food! Do you need supplements then? No, not at all!
I know, I know, amino acid supplements are in huge tablets or powdered, so people taking them have the impression of “using something”, and “one has to take the pills in order to get big”, however, when you imagine that instead of on a plate you’d eat your chicken in 200 tablets, this whole concept of amino acid supplements will start to look like a bad joke.
I know, I know, there are amino acids that have their effect better when taken alone, also, this one is good for sleeping, this one will increase my growth hormone secretion, this one will do my thesis, this one will drive me to work, etc. Of course… They still have bigger effect than prayers, but thinking that you’ll lose all your precious muscles gained by sweat and blood during a training if you don’t use BCAA is so stupid, that you should handle that money to someone who’ll be your legal guardian until you’ll learn how to spend your money properly.
Carbohydrate supplements are overpriced sugars only.
Encountered some gainers? They have carbs, right? Also, someone at the gym said that if you are gaining muscles, then you HAVE TO put fucking sugar into your shake, otherwise your whole sweaty work will be in vain, right? Omg, and the dietary supplement companies, they pester you with their propaganda to buy useless sugar for a fortune, otherwise why would you even train, riiiight?
- you NEVER need quick carbs
- you’ll have insulin reaction with protein too
- quick carbs will only make you fat
- they can actually fuck up your insulin resistance and cause diabetes!
- you basically pay a shitload of money to get fat, then will pay more to lose weight, genius move
Fat burners
It has begun!
Hey all, it took me almost a year, but my blog-website combo is finally ready to go public. It's still not completely ready though, but I hope that by publishing I'll motivate myself more.