If you care about your body, you should care about your environment

As we all know, the era of consuming is over. The financial crisises just widened the gap between the rich and poor, while the corporations have accumulated enormous power that stands above governments. Please don’t think that I’m about to unveil some grand conspiracy, geez, no, what I am trying to say is that:

There is no government, or not even organization anymore that can do as much for our planet and its inhabitants as people themselves, this means you, only you. It is called individual responsibility!

What am I trying to tell with this?

You wield a bigger power than any government nowadays, your each decision is a step either forward or backward, thus making a difference, any difference, difference with consequences. Don’t underestimate your impact. You matter. There is no middle way. It’s entirely up to you where the planet and humanity is heading. You cannot blame anyone else. It’s you who is accountable! You vote day by day via every purchase you make, thus you decide which corporation rises and which falls. Just as you fuel these monstrous machines via your individual decision, the same way you can make other impacts not only via purchasing. Nowadays the politics got so polarized that everything your party says is the biggest truth, while everything the opposite party says is the biggest lie; hence it’s utter naiveness to expect governments to solve every problems that begin on the individual’s level.

…why did I make a separate section for ethics then?

Bodybuilders love to waste food

Apart from the common belief that bodybuilders are narcissistic self-worshipping creatures who don’t care about anyone and anything else, the fitness life’s entire nature is a little pro-waste. Don’t get me wrong, I will not suggest you to put your body on bare subsistence, to not to do any activity that’d increase your energy consumption. Jesus, no. You gotta be that selfish! You gotta love yourself! There is a clear line between giving yourself what you deserve and between things that make you an ignorant peasant.

Do you crave that beef? Eat it! Did you just make an omelette where you’d throw out 5 egg yolks? WTF is wrong with you man? Do you need 3500 kcal a day? Go for it! Do you need stupid candy bars individually covered in plastic? Shame on you! Not sure how much should you eat? Measure it! …do you see the line now?

Where is the line between health and selfishness?

The Law of Nature is an eternal law, a timeless rule that no mortal creature can defy.

  1. Subsistence: you stay alive.
  2. Health: improves your life in quality and quantity.
  3. Display your value: looking good shows you are healthy, you have determination, and places you in a higher status in society.
  4. Enjoy your life: life is not meant to be to survive, but to find joy in.

Everything that comes above these is waste. Why do you think each and every culture considers gluttony as a sin? Getting fat during bulking is a waste of natural resources, while getting back into shape is a waste of your time, since you need to give up some things for a while. So yeah, with working out, moreover, with building muscles one consumes much more food than they’d need in a hippie lifestyle, but it doesn’t mean you get a free pass to destroy and litter everything around you.

The infamous egg yolk conspiracy

What blows my mind is that all the stupid bodybuilders throw out the egg yolks on a daily basis in an industrial extent. It’s a sick habit to ritually rape the Earth every morning. Why? Who told you that? Some old fat dude in a village gym, who got all his info from other peasants and still masturbates in his garage on old bikini calendars with girls in weird haircuts and cringe smiles? Or the local steroid master with a Neanderthal facial expression, who can’t even pass the Turing test?

You are allowed not to eat the egg yolk only if you can give it to your dog.

Thinking low of plants

Indeed, their protein has lower BV. So what? That’d be the case only if you’d have one protein source, but it’s not happening, so where’s the problem then? People complain that meat is expensive…then eat less, you Einstein! Yeah, only a Sith deals in absolutes, no one told you to go fully carnivore neither fully vegan, you are free to set your own proportions. Your favourite meals contain meat? Prepare them! You want a little break from meats? Ditch them! Wanna do good for the planet and your body? Eat less meat then… It is this easy. Maybe it seems irrelevant for you, but many people don’t count plant-based protein and cannot imagine a meal without meat; so if you can move on on these two things, you are already a true hero. By the way, you are an omnivore, your body will be grateful for not having meat in every meal.

Is going vegan the future?

We are omnivores, and it’s still difficult to manage for almost everyone to have a full-value diet on vegan. However, many “carnivores” make dietary mistakes, and a conscious vegan can defeat in macros and micros any “meat eater” who considers hot dog as food. However, there are also many hipster peasants who eat pasta with some grass (or even worse, with ketchup), and they call themselves vegans, while self-harming lunatic would be a more precise description.

The point of veganism is to be ethical towards other creatures and to be eco-conscious, aka sustainable. I don’t see here any contradiction with eating meat, that’s superficial and follows an over-simplified analogy, which is always destined to fail. However, if someone does not want to eat meat because of any reason, then they are allowed to, and every normal person should respect that. There are vegans who are not trying to convince us like Jehovah’s witnesses, and there are meat eaters who don’t rip out the larynx of a living innocent adorable baby cow with their bare teeth while growling like an imbecile every time they feel hungry. People are chill. If you were called a murderer by a vegan, or an omnivore was throwing sausages at you, it doesn’t describe any group of people.

People who raise and eat animals can still love them.

If someone thinks meat can come only from a cruelty care, then they have no idea what is to raise an animal. If a peasant says it’s ok for animals to suffer, then you should be legally allowed to make them relive that experience. But if someone looking like Shaggy from Scooby Doo snacking on an unwashed carrot says keeping chicken at a chicken yard is an evil thing…just feed him to the lions.

Some places exploit animals, but some other places exploit humans. And not because they chose to do that job, but because they didn’t have other options. Life is not a rainbow, but a constant struggle. There is a thing called symbiosis. When you provide food, shelter, opportunity to mate for the animals, and in exchange they provide you with their meat…fair deal. There is no cruelty in it, nobody suffers. The majority of people do jobs because they need to survive, live in condition they are unsatisfied with. So yeah, life is a constant competition of all the living beings, and one’s mission should be to make it more pleasant and less dreadful for others, and to remember that believing in fairy tale utopias contradicting the laws of nature has never led to any success whatsoever and has always created more misery than it was intended to solve in the first place.

There are not only 2 types of people.

Bottom line?

Being sustainable is not an option, but the only way. Being cruelty-free is not an act of mercy because of our power, but it’s our responsibility as human species ruling the earth and maintaining the very balance. Striving for zero waste is not being scrooge, not something to be frowned upon and think low about, it’s not even about being cheap. It’s about taking the responsibility and giving up a tiny-little comfort for the common good. Being responsible and making conscious decisions is what separates a citizen from a peasant. Being kind to animals doesn’t justify when one is being rude to humans. Nobody is superior, and when someone is desperate to find a reason to judge others, then it’s obvious who is the problem.

So, making foods with no waste won’t make you look like a boomer, eating less meat won’t make you to wear turtleneck tickling your ears, and choosing cruelty-free products won’t mean that you burn money like Joker; it’ll mean that you are a conscious participant in the arena of consumption, thus not only being ahead of 99.9% of others, but that you are actively making the whole world better.

I’m constantly looking for good vegan recipes, that have balanced macros, lack over-processed ingredients and are easy to prepare, but most importantly are delicious. So if you have anything in your personal recipe collection, feel free to share it with the community, thus cutting back on the global meat consumption significantly.

Do I waste food if I don't eat what's left after I'm full?

Well, if you throw it out, it’s gone, if you eat it, you’ll have to use more energy to get rid of it, and it’ll be gone as well, so maybe some people won’t like this answer, but I’d rather throw off food, than eat more than I can.

It has begun!

April 5th, 2020|0 Comments

Hey all, it took me almost a year, but my blog-website combo is finally ready to go public. It's still not completely ready though, but I hope that by publishing I'll motivate myself more.